Sunday, January 31, 2016

Physical and Psychosocial Development in Teenagers

Teenagers undergo physical and psychosocial changes to develop as human beings even, sometimes for adults it can be hard to figure out this process. This week Monday 26th and Wednesday 28th, 2016 we studied about this development on teens not only to know what it is about, but also to understand why. After, researched some information now I could say that figure out this development which is a hard process that takes place during adolescence. To mention some of those changes the first one is the physical development that triggers puberty by hormonal changes that also can affect moods and behavior that occurs between the ages of 12 and 13. The second one is psychosocial that comes with many factors on it for example, according to Erick Erikson during this period adolescents are searching for an identity versus identity confusion. Moreover, during psychosocial development relationships are so important for teens especially friends, lovers however, family interactions are more conflicted because teens are looking their autonomy or independency. Therefore, now I figure out why teens act like that they can do everything in the world, they do not cares about relate with relatives thus, how easy can be influenced by their group of friends, so it could be negative because according to AAP Gateway, adolescents who are rejected by their peers tend to have the greatest adjustment problems finally, why they are interested in intimacy with others. To be aware of those changes and teens development brings to my mind some memories of my adolescence, I remember that I always suffered because of pimples and I was so shy to show up in front of others thus, I remember that I was so nervous because of menstruation when I heard my friends talk about it. Hence, I consider that adolescence is a difficult period on life because teens are so worried what friends will think about of them, teens do not who they are and want to know their role on society, their brain is mixed of many things, beliefs, doubts, and worries.

On the other hand, this period of time could be an excellent field to mark their life and as future teacher I would like to help my students not only those shy but also, those extroverts. My action plan will be integrate to teens with others but not in a mandatory way due to teens love relationships, inform them for being aware about this period and development, not only state that they are adolescent and left them there, but also help them to figure out their role on society and how important are as human begins. I think that as teachers with have commitments with teens to help for searching the best inside of them because they always do not know what they want, teachers can guide them. What I like the most with people is let to choose, teachers can encourage to awareness on teens that always is important limits and rules that help us live better with others.  

Online Learning Center (
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP gateway)

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