Saturday, January 23, 2016

Meeting and dealing with the changes in the brain of a teenager

To know what is going on brains of teenagers is such an interesting thing. On Monday 18th my perspective about changes on brains of teenagers were totally different like I think now, I believed that those changes and behaviors  were influenced by their adolescences` hormones due to low and high output of hormones. That`s why, I was not sure what cause teens behave with intense emotions, without consider risks and so on. Thus, I did not know what was related on brain changes, in which case neither teenagers are not aware to response on it. 

However, after read some articles I could understand that brain changes take place by many factors such as personal history, family, friends, community, and culture. Therefore, Scientists emphasize that teens brains is in transition period, in other words teens are confronted dependence to independence transition so during this period teens can explore and experiment to interconnected changes on their brain where never missing intense emotions for instance impulsiveness, peer pleasure that friends can also provide. Until now, I realized that it is normal act like that but adults and specially teacher should figure out how face this crucial period with them.

 To conclude, my expectations for working with teens are understand that those changes are normal even though, as future teachers need to limits their behavior and I think the best may is negotiate and provide some rules to combine our maturity with them since, teens can be aware and work better with those critical changes. Moreover, I consider that in classroom teachers can take advantage of their interesting to know new things also exploiting their engaging to learn about music, sport, languages, and some other interests so my main expectation is be aware to figure out changes on brain of teens. 

National Institute of Mental Health 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jacky I liked your post because you explained clearly the topic, and I would like to emphasize some things. First, I think that most Of the people that does not know about teens' brain development, think that their behavior is because their hormones. Second, I agree when you say "brain changes take place by many factors such as personal history, family, friends, community, and culture" I like this because if you have noticed not all the adolescent behave in the same way, and it is because of the context as you have mention. Finally, I think that if teachers are aware of teens' brain changes we can take advantage and make more proficient students and better humans.
