Monday, May 9, 2016

Self and peer evaluation

Teaching a class is not a piece of cake, when the teacher wants to teach something new or relevant for learners. I am Jackeline Martinez,  I am studying English for teaching at Univerdad Don Bosco, I am in the fifth year of my degree even, I never have taught English at any place this year, I am taking a class relate to this field, the name of this subject is Teaching Practicum II. Therefore, this will be my closer teaching experience before finishing my studies at the first moment, I thought this class going to be meaningful and interesting for me on the other hand, some doubts came to my mind because in previous classes we used PPP and PDP framework, but our mentor told us that we will use the ECRIF framework, Being that, I was not only confused with this new teaching style, but also I was not clear how to apply some activities and why, the process was too long because of the five stages that take place on ECRIF that’s why, it was hard to work with all stages. Nervertheless, went through this process leads me that the practice will be my ally also I realized that this framework is more flexible than others whereas, ECRIF is based on learners needs not teacher`s so we can say that it does not matter, going back by stages many times to clarify until students understand.

I got some own examples of that, I remember my first taught class it was about Animals, but my aim goal was teach students fours prepositions on, in, next to and under, all material were carefully prepared however, when I was teaching in the encounter and clarify stages I explained vocabulary and the prepositions used nonetheless, in remember stage my stundets were not totally clear with prepositions in and on so, I decided to going back to clarify statge to make my stundets undertand the difference between them, I using a little gorrila bear and box making mimics with my hands finally stundets understood. My second example is related to same class, I remember that I was teaching writing skill, duing the class I used a projector to show the structure of the question and answer that will be used in whole class here is,  where is the leopard? It is in braches tree hence, students will practice in internalize and fluenty use stages, but they had some problem to get the structure statement so, I went back to clarify stage for a while to be explained again.
Even Though, there were some difficulties such as how the instructions were asked to make any activity, the feedback from our mentor helped me a lot because in this difficult, I decided to providing short commands and activities instructions not all at the same time.

Perhaps, one of the most common difficulty was how to teach writing without ask students to write down on their notebook because this skill sometime could be boring for teenagers. I think that is needed to see students necessities also update our knowleged because nowadays, there is such an important ally for teachers which internet tool, so I took into account the mentor's recommendation to make students writing using an interest factor less stressfull for them for instance, getting groups to create a short story in a paper or as some other classmates did, asking to our students write a short whatsapp conversation using a paper with phone form printed on it. In spite of course`s time, I could see all of my classmates improved in many teaching field however, I want to share my viewpoint of  Krisia’s  performance forasmuch, all of her classes were getting better and better beause at the first one, she should improve her class of management for example some activities were kind of the same, but in two last classes all her activities were varied such as Mario Bros and whatsapp activies, which were very dinamic and funny for students. Besides, her manner to teach changed in a way, because she was more happy, relax, and less shy so I pretty much sure she could overcome some difficulties learning a lot experience.

To conclude, I can  truly said that as first time in font of tenegers it was an unforgetable experience for me since, I learned a lot of thing for instance, how to use ECRIF which is better that other teaching methods in my own opinion, how to teach only to teenagers and how to management a class. Hence, Teaching Practicum II gave me great memories also lessons of my mentor’s and classmates feedback, that helped me to see if I achieved my goal in each class but I think even a goal is not fulfilled achieved it could be useful in a way for example; to improve things that should be and keep on practicing those strenghts as teachers due to we need to look for our own style. thus, all lessons are effectively disigned for achieving a goal because using ECRIF is not only teach a class it is teach something that can be used in real world. Finally, I could say that I achieved my goals even not all of the aim, but some parts were achieved because I still learning this is not all however, now for example students can understand some command only in English, they learned strutures of some tenses and new vocabulary that is ready to be put out.

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