Friday, November 13, 2015

Final blog

The education is a great thing in society because of share knowledge to others that’s why is important to take into account how needed is, knowing how to teach.  From the first class to the last class I could understand the importance of teach to increase teacher and student knowledge not only teach just for teach because every part of the class has such importance; in which every activity should have a goal to achieve. Even thought, there are some details to improve such as lost nerves while speaking in front of others, behave like our group if we are teaching kids being like them that’s why, with children is important the enthusiastic. Therefore, I could say that in my first class I was not too much confident and confortable with kids at the end I enjoyed teaching to children on the other hand, the last class helped me to understand that we are the model to kids they learn how we teach because I remembered when our teacher corrected our pronunciation in a word then, I realized students learn what teachers taught them and how, I felt responsible about that mispronunciation that my students will do I hope they can improve it. To conclude, I want to learn and be better with every feedback that I had after every class, to be an excellent teacher to my students  

1 comment:

  1. Jacky, I'm happy that you are proud of the progress you and your classmates made during this course. Sometimes you don't know the things you can do until you try. I am sure you have the potential to be a great teacher but there is a long way to walk. So far, try to read and listen to videos in order to improve your performance in english and also keep a good attitute towards comments and feedback because that's the only way teachers can improve. Good luck in your TPII.
