Friday, November 13, 2015

Blog 6

Teaching a class in different framework objective allows increase students’ knowledge in other skills. Second group presented same topic “The professions” focus on teaching writing and reading known as PPP lesson hence, as presentation stage some flashcards using a flipchart were presented to students who learned how to write eight name of professions in a visual way but during practice stage students showed what they have learned thru an activity of organize some pieces of paper making sentences then reading in front of other classmates what was amazing see students’ perform because they not only could remember profession, but also they could organized making use of third person for example She wants to be vet.  Moreover, a similar activity were done during production stage being that students wrote down in  a whiteboard without see sentence structure and read aloud in front of other to check it was correct. Finally, what I could say is that was a great joyfulness to saw our students producing sentences and mention at least 6 name of profession thus, they learned how to write them and pronounce as well. Teaching to kids is not easy but is very satisfactory see students’ accomplishment in skills like speaking or writing and some others.

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