Sunday, November 1, 2015

Blog 4

The last group of this week was Susana’s group, their class was so funny I could see on students faces how they enjoyed every activity. This group performed an interesting topic which was about places in our town for example; bus station, gas station, school, hospital, park and restaurant. Teachers use vocabulary under the question Is there a gas station and students should answer Yes, there is or No there is not. It is needed to mention that teacher’s framework was PDP because in during stage Susana played an audio to students identified some vocabulary words before mentioned hence, I could see students response to this stage because audio was a little fast but they could identify each word thus, in the activity that students played was very amazing not only because students enjoyed playing, but also because they answered each question that Susana asked them for instance, Is there a school? Furthermore, Jose’s performed was so relevant to students keep on practicing the topic, and his activity engaged student a lot because they were interested in participate on it. This activity involved whole class where students were divided in two group, instructions were clear students chose a ball with a number on it and throw a dice so look for the correct place in a map and if there is a question answer it. To concluded, what I think class was excellent because students were engaged to learn and actually they did it because at the end with the wrap up they did very well, they knew vocabulary and how to answer as well that’s why I consider this group achieved their goal. Students were able to ask the question is there …? And answer yes/ no there is ... using vocabulary. 

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