Friday, October 23, 2015

Blog 3

The prepositions in English are words that sometime stand in front of nouns; we can link to possessive that shows ownership to make sentences a little grammarly complex. These are the main topics for the week that our group number two performed on Wednesday it was not easy to choice every activity of each stage, but it was interesting to know that students response to them because I could see in their face that were so excite also they were enjoy in each stage of our class.  

Here are some pictures 

I will share with you about lesson plan framework was PDP, in which English skills to take into account were Listening and Speaking. The warm up was focused on reviewing some vocabulary such as sofa, DVD player, phone, lamp, and closet. Hence, the topic’s presentation was firstly to introduce possessive for instance; my closet, her lamp, his sofa and your phone.  Secondly, we explained prepositions; on, in, next to and under. On the other hand, in production state students must to say sentences combine possessive and preposition for example; where is his lamp? His lamp is on the table, to conclude the our class with wrap up stage students played “Mica” which is a Salvadorian game very funny that consist in run-away of who has the mica, the aim of this game was for knowing what students had had learned of the topic, I asked some questions using same structure before mention; Where is my ball, students’ answer: your ball is next to the box. At the end of the class, we always receive a feedback about what we did well or what we need to improve, it was nice to know that our teacher said that she liked the AIDs or teaching material because was colorful and attract for students’ attention. Even though, we need to be careful with our pronunciation when we are talking but I think regardless of that our presentation was interesting and our children love it as well.  


  1. I know you are making progress and that is the main goal of this course, to learn from each other.

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