Friday, September 18, 2015

Workshop 2

A tale could be an interesting story but if the narrator can express it to the audience. In the last workshop  we had a homework that consisted in bring a tale and performe in from of other, for me was a big deal because never ever in my life I had said a tale to other neither act it. When I was looking the tale I was said it must be short one due to nervous I will not remember anything and it is should give a life reflection. Therefore, my tale was about disobedience when I passed in from of my classmates I feel a little nervous while I was performing the tale but suddenly, I put away my nervous even, teacher advised me no to repeat some words such as (y / and) thus, he told me I did okay and better than first time. To finish my blog I want to said that the whole workshop was nice not only we feel less stress but also we learned many things for instance a tip that I will take into in account is that as future teachers we should love what we will do and after a hard routine we should do something that makes feel unstressed for instance a massage or listening music. I could say that was an interesting and important class. 

1 comment:

  1. Jackeline: when you said that you would use a massage or some music after a hard routine, are you thinking as a teacher or as a student?
