Friday, October 2, 2015

Diagnostic class 1

A diagnostic class is a method to determinate students ‘strengths and weakness in some topics also to identify how much they  know, this might be evaluated through activities or quizzes. First exciting contact with the kids’ class, their ages are 9 between 11 years some of them have an English background but some other have not. We as a group used the diagnostic evaluation method to know what our students know or do not therefore, our activity consisted in give students a flash card with image in it that represent an action verb for example a kid jumping so instructions were; students will pass in front to class to make a mimic that represent the verb and the rest of the class will guess what the verb is. Students performed very well even they did not know some verbs hence, what we learned was our students needs to learn more about this topic actions verbs.  Our second activity was about personal pronouns such as I, You, He, She, They, We, It, students had had to made pair with the correct card like match them.  At the end, we noticed that students know not to much about personal pronounce even, activity was funny to kids, they needs to learn about this important topic moreover, my classmates did some activities as well and one of caught my attention was Wanda’s group perform that consisted in teach the alphabet, their activity engaged students to participate because they involved and played with them during the activity kids said the letter while playing hot potato. To conclude first contact was interesting because makes use of diagnostic method helped us and now we have an idea about students’ knowledge in English.

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