Friday, August 28, 2015

Lesson plans

Teacher job is not an easy work; I realized that one of the most complicate parts is create the lesson plan because it is not only choose a topic and start to teach students but also is needed to have a main goal to rich since the beginning to the end of the lesson plan, for instances the aim of the topic must be look for learn vocabulary, speaking listening it depends of framework teacher will teach even, the activities must be related to review or introduce any topic with an objective as well. Hence, here in my lesson plans you will see that every material, activity has a goal in order to rich any English skills or sub skills.

Don Bosco University
Teaching Preacticum I
Teacher: Jackeline Mariela Martinez Magaña
Topic: It’s my birthday party
Objective: SWAT asks and answer how old they are
Target Listening/ Speaking and Framework PDP

Activities/ Procedure

   5 Mins

Warm up

The hot toy

Students will pass a toy around while music is played when music stop student will answer a question
Activity’s aim
Review last lesson
Material A toy
Type of learner
Interaction T-S

10 Mins


How many letters do you see?

Using pictures with different amount of letter, students will answer
Activity’s aim
Learner Number
Material Pictures
Type of learner
Interaction T-S

   6 Mins


Role play made by the teacher asking and answers the question How old are you?
Activity’s aim
Learner number
Type of learner
Interaction T-S



Say the number you see

Students will say which is the number in the flash card after teacher provides at least from 0-15 different flash cards and other class as well
Activity’s aim
Learner number
Material Flash cards
Type of learner
Interaction T-S


During/Post listening

It’s my birthday!

The class will  Split up  in two different groups
One saying   It’s my birthday!
Two asking   How old are you?
Activity’s aim
Learner number
Material Flash cards
Type of learner
Kinesthetic/ Verbal
Interaction S-S


Post listening

Stand up look some different age
Students will get in pair to ask how old they are
After that Ss will make a circle and will pass a ball to ask other say at least 10 numbers and the question How old are you?
Activity’s aim
Review last lesson
Material A ball
Type of learner
Kinesthetic/ Verbal
Interaction T-S

University Don Bosco 
Teaching Preacticum I
Teacher: Jackeline Mariela Martinez Magaña
Topic: It’s my birthday party
Objective: SWAT learn the numbers from 1-20 and at least spell 10 numbers
Target Vocabulary/ Writing (spelling) and Framework PPP

Activities/ Procedure

   7 Mins

Warm up

The song number

Students will listen a song and after that will practices

Activity’s aim
Identify number
Material CD player
Type of learner
Interaction T-S



What number do you see?

Using pictures with different numbers students will answer the question what is the number in the picture?
Activity’s aim
Learn Number
Material Pictures
Type of learner
Interaction T-S



What do you spell one? – O N E

Numbers will be spelled by teacher from 1 to 20 in order students learn how spell them 
Activity’s aim
Learner number
Material  Flash cards  
Type of learner
Interaction T-S



It’s my birthday!

Stand up students to ask to someone else’s (all class)birthday also question how do you spell 11 for example it’s E L E V E N
Activity’s aim
Spell number
Material Whiteboard
Type of learner
Verbal/ Visual
Interaction S-S



Write sentences

Write 7 tenses about three different classmate’s  birthday after that 3 students will pass to write in the whiteboard a sentences
Activity’s aim
Write numbers
Material Students
Type of learner
Interaction S-S

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget th importance of having a wrap-up activity at the end of every class. That will help you assess the teching-learning process.
