Saturday, September 5, 2015


There is different between chants and songs, the first one is no rhythmical and does in cappella way but the second one is musical and the lyric is not repetitive. This week on Monday I was nervous to pass in front to the class to sing because I guess it is not one of my strengths, my classmate did as well and I think each of them performed very well for example Nancy`s chant was really nice and I liked it because her chant was similar to mine, it was about to tech the colors to ages` students 6 to 9 years during listening stage or warm up as review the topic. Moreover, some other classmate such as Tomas performed a chant called the finger family to use as a warm up or during the practice in ages 4 to 7 years also Brian`s chant called I have a pet useful during listening stage and at ages 5-8 years thus, Josue sang a song called Ten little aeroplanes that could be used as a warp up to review the lesson about number at ages 5 to 9 years. On Wednesday, I was kind of nervous but happy because I will use the real song not like cappella when I passed I explained that my song could be used in ages 5 to 8 years as warm up to review the lesson daily routine, during the class I liked teacher and Tomas` song because I think was lovely one and in that song with use or body that most all the time kids love doing. To conclude, I consider songs and chants are the best tool that teachers have to teach in a funny way vocabulary or just to break the ice hence, their implication in education field are useful during the teaching process even, is not our strengths teachers must to apply because it is not the same to teach children that adults, kids are interesting in singing, moving and to many funny things that’s why song and chant can help to not lose students learning interest.      

1 comment:

  1. What of th many ideas your classmates presented in this workshop you would use in your classes Jacky?
