Saturday, August 22, 2015

A case of study

Piaget´s preoperational stage said children between (4-6 years old) have not the concrete operational ability development because children typically are not able to think abstractly or hypothetically. Hence, volume, weight, liquid could be redistributed or their appearance can be changed but they do not have the ability to understand that logically might be the same liquid or volume.  
 My case of study shows that this theory is totally truthful because I applied it using two children but with different ages in order to unlock if the conservation theory was true also during my findings her mother told me that she is very independent for example Nicole´s mother told me that her daughter dress up since four years and comb her hair, Nicole said that mother cannot match clothes or make tails hair as she does. I think according Nicole’s mother said I believe Nicole was in autonomy vs. shame and doubt stage as Erickson´s theory said at this stage (18 months to 3 years) children are developing physically and becoming more mobile therefore they are insert their independence such us making choices, play eat and as Nicole picked clothes what she liked wear.  

       First Experiment
Child name :
Nicole Yesenia Angel
Age :
Six years old
First grade at Cesar Brañas In Altavista
Favorite play
Play Dolls
One brother he is fifteen years old

To apply Piaget´s theory I put to glasses with some water and asked her, which one has more than the other one. Nicole answered both of them have the same liquid but then, I passed on different glass same liquid she said that another one has more liquid when was same. amount of liquid. In the same video I used some coins and applied same experiment but in this case was about amount. See the follow video

To unlike Piaget’s concrete operational stage mentioned that concrete operation is gained between seven to eleven (7-11 years old) because their thinking is more organized and rational due to children maturity is enough to use logical. Therefore, they gain the abilities of conservation (number, area, volume, orientation) and reversibility.
     Second Experiment
Child name :
Christian Josue Magaña
Age :
Eleven years old
Six grade at Veracruz School
Development stage
Concrete stage
Favorite play
Video games
One brother and two sisters
I used same material as in first experiment also, I asked same questions but as Piaget´s theory said children have the ability to distinguish between objects, amount, liquid using more abstract thinking and logic, that´s why Christian answered correctly to each question See the follow video

In the week also I tried to apply Erikson’s Initiative vs. Guilt stage (3 to 5 years) in which children are more interactive with others in school, they begin to plan some activities and make up games. What I could found was children not only start from that age but also they continue with this tendency to explore because they already have the ability to lead other and make decisions. In this case Nicole and her friend Daniela drew whatever they wanted; I just gave them a sheet of page without any instruction colors or drawing about.  

To conclude, these experiments not only show Piaget and Erickson`s theories but also provide a better idea about children development stages which as future teacher can be useful in educational implication thus, experiments also proof that theories are truthful although, in my personal opinion I consider that these theories should be studied again because they was done long time ago and nowadays, children development is different they are more involve to society whereas, centuries are changing every theory must update to finish, I think is really important not only take into account one theory but also make a combination in order to get the better to apply and help children – students as well.

McLeod, S. A. (2015). Preoperational stage. Retrieved from

McLeod, S. A. (2013). Erik Erikson. Retrieved from

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