Thursday, August 20, 2015

Learning disability and learning difficulty

 “A learning disability affects the way a person understands information and how they communicate.” _ NHS choices

ADD1 and ADHD2 is dysfunction of neurological origin and in some cases according to Still George this disorder could be innate or hereditary. Therefore, is needed to distinguish some signs or symptoms in children such as inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity and disruptive behavior thus, it is said this symptoms must begin by age six to twelve. Moreover, it is important to figure out that this psychiatric disorder frequently affect not only in relationships but also in children development for instances, educational field. To conclude, I consider so valuable in educational implication because as future teachers need to learn how to perceive when in a classroom there is a student with an ADD and ADHD in order to proceed in right way and to know how to adequate classes to those students that are special not different because most all the time are so clever, equal but they learn in a different or slower way hence, teacher must to identify the right adequacy for each them.

ADD1 Attention deficit desorder
ADHD2 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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