Friday, July 31, 2015

Childhood period

What I learned these weeks in Teaching Practicum I about childhood period was firstly, this process is divided into many stages for example physical (birth to 2 years ) where children start to do small movements developing the gross motor skills according to Piaget, cognitive development was a progressive reorganization of mental processes as a result of biological maturation and environmental experience. Children construct an understanding of the world around them, the experience discrepancies between what they already know and what they discover in their environment therefore, I consider this theory really important into teaching field because students can learn more from what discover, touch, feel and create. Secondly, Erick Erickson’ theory about psychosocial development takes several stages from infancy to maturity where explain that children (birth to 18 months) start to develop a sense of trust and affection and almost same age like 2 years, children need to develop sense of control over physical skills for example toilet training in four stage Erickson said that is about adolescence, in which teens need to develop a sense of self and personal identify hence, I think taking these stages into account teachers can understand the childhood and adolescence in a classroom using  or apply right and better learning process for me, this theory brings us great knowledge in teaching implications. To conclude, all theories could be mixed because we cannot learn only from Piaget or Erickson but also, from the father of constructivism who is Lev Vygoysky that argued about the social, cultural, and adults impact have in children as model to follow furthermore, social interaction in a community plays a role in the process of cognitive children development.

McLeod, S. A. (2015). Jean Piaget. Retrieved from

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