Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Workshop 1

To speak in from of people is not an easy thing that’s why, this week we had a workshop related how to act in form of others specially children, who can analyze our way to say things, our body movements and tone of voice as well. When I came to this workshop I feel so nervous because somebody already told me that in those workshops is needed to do some things such as run, jump, act, and scream. Therefore, I thought this going to be interesting but I am so shy, It could be difficult for me and how I will integrate me to the group. During activities, many were done to see how each of us speak in form of others in order to improve our speaking weakness thus, I learned some tips and I noticed that some of classmates have speaking strengths also some of them showed up different abilities that surprised me greatly. To concluded, I really enjoyed doing activities that not only remembered my childhood but also I realized that needs to overcome my shyness, fears and do my best because in so soon future I will teach to children. 

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